The Untapped Project

Untapped poster

Presenter: Lee Madge

The Untapped Project started life late 2012, known simply as 'Untapped', the new unsigned music show on Wolfman Radio replacing a previous incarnation, which was simply called 'The Unsigned Show'.

The show became The Untapped Project when accompanying shows were briefly introduced to support the increasing number of unsigned submissions we were receiving. Those supporting shows have long since gone, as have their hosts, but the show remains as The Untapped Project.

The Untapped Project gives unsigned and independent bands and artists a platform for their work to be heard. Music submissions have increased somewhat in the last few years, but with other shows on the station giving further airplay to those featured on the show, there is no need for any supporting shows any more. In some cases, a band or artist can submit their latest single, or album for The Untapped Project, and it may immediately be passed on to another show; rather than being played on Untapped first.

It is a tough job, considering the high volume of submissions we receive to create a two hour playlist weekly, but it does help us apply a tougher quality control approach, allowing us to discover the very best that's out there. Since the very beginning, almost, The Untapped Project has had the strap line 'the very best in unsigned and independent new music from around the world' and being able to filter out some submissions, for not quite meeting the required good quality, means that we can comfortably say that we do play the very best unsigned and independent new music every Thursday.

There are many criteria for qualifying to be played on The Untapped Project, but to be put simply, the way to get your new single or track from your latest album played on the show is: 'be any good'.

The Untapped Project, as well as playing the very best in unsigned and independent new music from around the world every week, is also the show where our Records Of The Week (RotWs) are born. Every Friday we have a new Record Of The Week(RotW) that runs until the following Thursday and, every week on The Untapped Project, the new RotWs are announced and played.

So, if you are an unsigned, or independent band, or artist and want to submit your music to be considered for featuring on The Untapped Project, then please get in touch - preferably using the form below - or, alternatively, through the inbox of our social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), or send it straight to the studio's email in-box ( and we'll happily take a listen. Should you meet the 'be any good' criteria you could be on the next show or, better still, deliver us our next Record Of The Week!

Listen to the show live every Thursday 9pm UK time, or catch up with previous shows via our Mixcloud channel here


Lee Madge (Madgers)

Music Submission Form

Track Submission Form

Please use this form to have your music considered for a future show.
Tracks should be in a standard MP3 audio format (128Kbps, 44.1mHz, stereo).
Please, also, ensure that the MP3 tags of your file are correctly filled in (particularly Artist and Title), as these will be your visible presence during the broadcast and will help solidify your track in the minds of the audience.

Band Name:

* all fields are required.